So much to be thankful for…

Thanksgiving is great. And this year, it was extra sweet because we were spending it with our families, the weather was a.mazing, and life slowed down just enough…. God has been gracious again, and Manish had another clear scan- over three years without cancer- and that is huge. And my parents stayed for 3 nights … Continue reading

Victory and (Greek) Tragedy

This past Friday morning, we found ourselves sitting in the auditorium at Sierra Madre Elementary watching a very enthusiastic and coordinated group of fourth grades perform a brief history of the Greek Culture. We do not have any children in fourth grade, in case you are wondering. Our son is in kindergarten. This was a … Continue reading

Little Oranges Studio Sale: A Wonder-fall Afternoon!

Yesterday’s studio sale was wonderful! The weather was that perfect grey of Fall, with a chill in the air- just right for an afternoon with friends and cocoa, pumpkin bread and tons of stationery. If you missed it- you were missed! Here are some goods that  were there. If you are still looking for stationery, … Continue reading

Little Oranges Studio Sale just a week away….

So, in addition to working hard, I am getting ready for next Saturday’s studio sale for Little Oranges….I am excited to be back in the stationery world, even if just for a week or two. If you are in need of more letterpress goods, now is the time to get a jump on your shopping … Continue reading

Work like you mean it.

Sometimes work is easy, sometimes it is a challenge. I prefer the latter. Sure, I don’t necessarily enjoy working on Saturdays, but the feeling that you are on the right track- that you like where you are heading- that’s exciting. I am blessed to have a career path that is not straight or pre-determined by … Continue reading