"The Perfect Pack"

Hooray! I have just finished my first go at the little custom stationery sets that I make from time to time. Now, they can be specified easily, packaged prettily and sent to someone special (or just straight to you!) You can see them in more detail in my etsy shop…( you can view the detail … Continue reading

something new

This week I am working in something new. Putting together a little system to order those custom gifts I was talking about a bit ago….they are coming along well and I will post details once it is a little more tidy!

Giveaway Gifts!

Whew! After way too long, I am finally sending out the first giveaway gifts- hooray! I think that they are fun and bright- just right for summer…Enjoy!

Beautiful Norway

My good friend Molly has been abroad this past year with her family. She has just returned (woohoo!) but went to Norway just before coming back and is sharing these wonderful photos…Enjoy! There are also some a.mazing photos of their time in Rome….love it all!

New Folding Notes

Here is a little peak at some new notes I am working on….The are letterpress folded notes, featuring illustrations that are part of my Handiwork line….Fun, simple, easy to use….And going into the giveaway gifts!

new (vintage) canisters

I was meeting with a client weeks ago and we were talking about what she wanted to do, interior-wise, and the topic moved to her various vintage pieces and how to showcase them. And she has these amazing old green canisters that she inherited from her grandmother. Just lovely….But she wasn’t sure of the maker … Continue reading

I want to go there….

….as Liz Lemon would say. This is a beautiful home in La Jolla by Loch Crane. Someday……somehow…..the modernist’s dream.

gifts of goodness

I love it when friends call and want to do custom gifts for friends….Often it is something like “I need to give a thank you gift to a friend who has been carpooling my daughter for a year now. Can you put a little gift set of stationery together?”…and I love to do those things! … Continue reading


Okay, so I don’t tweet myself, but sometimes follow others on Twitter….what did I find today? Sprinkles on Twitter– and you can get free cupcakes if you pay attention- so fun!!!! that’s a sweet tweet for sure!

love "awkward’

jen corace is great…love her art, color sense, illustrations….thinking about this piece.…seriously.